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Saturday, November 24, 2012

A short post before final exam

This is too cute, imma share it here.
I was shocked when I knew it was actually a video by the METRO TRAINS AU.
I thought it was a video for fun instead of an official thingy.
Like the way they convey their message, verily creative with these little peanuts and some of the not related dumb ways before they introduce their main subject. It attracts me to keep on watching to find out what is it really about. The song with lullaby rhythm and easy repeated lyrics makes me feel comfortable too. Thumbs up for it.

Random thoughts...

I do not know how to differentiate what I need from what I want, and also love and admiration.
It is confusing and I am lost again.

A random question flowing in my mind now.
It is the cloud you love or the Cloud you love?

Lots of love,